Wednesday, August 8, 2012

ISN Stamping

I've been thinking a lot about ways to better grade ISNs and I think that stamping them will make my life much easier.  I'm thinking that these stamps from Office Depot would be perfect.  Self inking is a must because I'm not carrying around an ink pad and there are a lot of options with this set so I can switch up the stamps/colors each time I mark something.  Or maybe use one stamp specifically for things that are late.  The details are still a work in progress but I think I'm pretty sold on the stamps.


  1. Definitely check out the free self inking stamps from Vista Print!
    ☼ Kate
    To The Square Inch

    1. Oh yeah..I'm crazy about vista. I need to go look at what they have too

  2. I just bought this same set! I haven't opened it yet, but last year I used a two-sided self-inking stamp (coolest thing ever - one side was a blue thumbs up, the other a red smiley) all the time. This will give me more options, though. (I get bored really easily.) I just hope it's easy to change out the stamps. You know what? Why don't I try it out? BRB.

    And back. Easier than expected! And not messy. And I thought it would take a few stamps each time you changed it to get the ink flowing...nope! Perfect stamp from the first. I'm actually quite impressed. I think the only consideration is that I'll need to draw some arrows on the sides and top so I know which way to face the stamp.

    1. Hahaha I love this comment! For some reason I hesitate over how well things like this work and I just love that you tested them out...just went out and got them and had to play with them. Now I'm looking for things I can thumbs up stamp...I think they're going to be perfect :)

  3. I love these stamps too and agree that self-inking is a must. I also find these:

    to be really fun and practically as easy as the self-inkers. While the vista print stamps are fun, they're expensive as I find that kids prefer you to have an endless supply of stamps so they can be surprised when you come around to stamp.

  4. I bought a bunch of stamps from oriental trading. They have a lot of different types and my students love them. That way you have a lot of options. I have used them when doing practice problems. My students always ask "is this a stamp question?" They try to collect as many as they can in a class period.


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