
Interactive Notebooks

My goal with this page is to walk you through what an ISN is and how to start using one.  I will try to cover anything I can think of, but if there is something you don't see here and are curious about please don't hesitate to ask me about it.

What is an ISN?:
A little about the ideas behind Interactive Student Notebooks and how I am using them.

Before School Starts:
Getting your supplies ready, setting up your classroom, and deciding on your ISN procedures.
The First Couple Days of School:
Setting up the first pages, decorating the covers, putting in formula sheets, etc.  This section is about physically getting the notebook set up.  I do the following things in the order that they are listed.
Putting in the First Actual (numbered) Pages:
These pages are first week of school stuff- students getting to know about the class, and about themselves.

ISN Tips:
A little about the ideas behind Interactive Student Notebooks and how I am using them.

Foldables and Lessons that I have done:
These are specific lessons and activities I have put into my ISN.