Saturday, December 8, 2012

Teaching Functions

I taught functions this week and have to say I was actualy shocked at how well it went.  I think I've probably taught this same textbook section like 7 times now and it's never gone so well.  Sometimes a simple analogy can really work wonders.

When introducing functions I always relate them to a machine. Specifically a toaster...I'm not sure why.  I ask them what happens when you put bread into the toaster. You get out toast, duh. I ask if you'll ever get out eggs?  Nope. We decide that there's certainly something wrong with that toaster if you're getting out eggs.

Then we took a look at this beautiful function machine I drew on the iPad...told them it's my math machine.  For the most part, they're all familiar with function machines like this. I've always used this analogy but I've never really taken it so far and I think that's what made the difference.  This time we stuck with the actual function machine to help give them something to relate to.

I wrote the numbers one at a time. 2 then 10, 3 then 15, 10 then 50.  Asked what the machine is doing and they said times 5 so I wrote it in there. 

Same thing with the second machine. 

When I got the third one though I started the same way...5 then 8, 7 then 10, 3 then 6...they yelled out plus 3...but when I wrote 5 then 9 next they said they couldn't do it and the machine must be broken.  We discussed that the (5,8) and (5,9) pairs were the ones that let us know the machine was broken.

In the next machine I put 1 in twice but it came out to be the same answer every time so all was well.

For the last one, they said at first they thought it was broken because they didn't know the rule, but then we talked about how sometimes we won't be able to find the rule but that's ok.  Nothing about the number pairs indicated the machine was broken so everything was ok.  We just called it "not broken" and moved on.

As far as notes I also took a different route this year and I have the ISN to thank for that because it helps me to streamline the idea that I'm trying to get across. In the past I've split the notes into four sections: from points, from a table, from a mapping diagram, and from a graph.  I decided it felt like too much.  Especially since I've always thought that points, tables, and mapping diagrams are all pretty much the same information.

So instead I decided to just go simpler.  Also I wrote most of the notes out for them.  I think class time is better spent doing practice than sitting and copying down what I have on the board.  So I did some explaining and they ran through the examples.  This is where I feel like it's never gone better.  The broken/not broken analogy worked so well they flew through them.  They actually asked if they could write broken/not broken instead of function/not a function.  I said no, but said they could write it in parentheses.

The "from a graph" section required a little more explaining, but once I put estimated coordintes on the one graph and showed them why it was "broken" they got it.  The explanation on the vertical line test I got from Sarah at mathequalslove and the function/not a function sorting activity (which I assigned for homework) came from Math Tales from the Spring.

The next day we worked on evaluating functions in function notation and it went equally as well (which was also a pleasant surprise). I decided to stick with the function machine analogy since it worked well the day before.

So for f(x) = 3x + 4, we drew a little function machine in their notebook to show what it meant. 

When we did f(x) = x^2 and g(x) = x + 1 we just drew two machines and called one f and the other g.  I told them that the letter just let us know which machine to put the number in.  Even composite functions went well.  Sweet.

All in all the function machine idea may seem a little elmentary, but if it helps them make sense of the idea does it really matter?  None of them are drawing machines when doing the problems but it really seemed to help them understand the idea which I was very happy with.


  1. I use the analogy of a vending machine...pretty much the same as yours.

    1. love it :) I'll have to add that to my list since I always draw a blank after toaster

  2. I couldn't believe when I read that you use a toaster analogy too!! I like it because there can be different "inputs" (white, wheat, rye...) but it is still possible to get the same "output" (toast), but that you can't input the same thing and get different things...which really helps to reinforce the definition of a function.

    1. I love that!! I never even thought to take it that far with the different inputs but that's fantastic. I'm definitely stealing that idea

  3. This is fabulous! I've always used the machine analogy, but I love the toaster. Totally going to do this after Christmas break! :)

    1. awesome :) I've been using the machine idea big time this year (even drawing pictures of machines) and it's working really well. Good luck!

  4. Which app did you use for the ipad to draw your machine out?

    1.'s just a notepad type app, I use it anytime I'm giving notes from my iPad

  5. Brilliant use of the eggs! I never thought about doing that for range. But it would also work for domain - Can you put eggs in a toaster? No? Then eggs are clearly not in the domain of the toaster!

  6. I too use the analogy of a toaster oven, but for me, it helps to drive home the idea of acceptable and unacceptable inputs. A slice of bread or a sticky bun are both acceptable inputs, but toothpaste is note. Everybody always likes to remind somebody else that you can't really squeeze toothpaste into a toaster and expect things to turn out well. :-)

    - Elizabeth (@cheesemonkeysf)

  7. Just noting that, exactly 2 years after this was posted, I will be using these ideas to discuss functions in our programming class. I like the function machines and the toaster analogy. Probably will have to customize it a bit for our kids in Thailand; I don't think toasting is so common here.

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  49. If you are at a dilemma whether or not to introduce Brain C-13 your loved one a facility; Read below as we state some pros and cons of services to help you make an informed decision. The mental health rehabilitation provides your patient with a professional service on how to deal with whatever problems they may be facing. With licensed practitioners on staff, you can be sure that your family member is in good hands and will receive treatments specific to their illness by trained medical professionals. By bringing your patient to the facility, this also allow you to breathe, relax and reduce the stress you may would have experienced had you not come. By knowing that your loved one is safe and well taken care of, this will give you a peace of mind. Many people do not bring their family members in for mental health rehabilitation because of guilt. Some people feel as though bringing a loved one and leaving them at a treatment center, is like abandoning them.

  50. Exfoliation helps to remove hardened plugs of proteins HydraLyft Review that form within the pores. These plugs cause hair to grow under the skin. Another thing that you should do is to stay away as much as possible from multiple blade razors as these will only serve to promote ingrown hairs (this is because you are shaving too close to the skin and this will cause the hair to grow under the skin when it regrows). They also give the hairs sharpened tips making it easier to grow through the pores of the skin. Try using an electric razor if you can afford to. If you must use blades, try exfoliating and moisturizing the area before shaving (at least 24 hours before) and use a single blade razor like Bic. When shaving, guide the razor in the direction of the hair growth. Not against it. You can followup up with a proven product that contain Salicyclic acid.

  51. "Your surface might look greasy and shiny even HydraLyft Review while the underlying layers are not properly hydrated," says Jody Alpert Levine, MD, owner and cofounder of Plastic Surgery & Dermatology of NYC, in New York City. When your skin feels tight, shows flaky areas, and sensitivity and itchiness, it means your oily skin is lacking the essential moisture. Cleansers containing exfoliating and antibacterial properties, with benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid as main ingredients, are considered as the best products for keeping the skin clean and clear. However, in winter, it is advisable to use products with contain these active ingredients in lesser quantity. A mild, oil-free moisturizer will help in water retention in the upper layers of your skin without blocking your pores.

  52. Some small percentage of children may outgrow this Brain C-13 condition, but most simply become adults who continue to wage an on-going battle with their ADHD. As noted in the summary above, changes in definition and focus have occurred in recent years as a result of ongoing ADHD research and testing. Today, it is no longer appropriate to simply view this disorder as an "attention" issue. The condition is more accurately identified as a lack of self-regulation, or "How the self comes to manage itself within the larger realm of social behavior." Many parents fall prey to information that has no scientific basis and yet has die hard adherents. Simply saying something isn't so in no way reduces the stress and strain this condition has on a child or the family as they battle day to day and hour to hour to find the means for helping a young one who in one moment is an angel and in the next a rambunctious terror.

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