
Saturday, August 25, 2012

ISN Prezi

A few months ago I finally started playing around with Prezi and fell in love with it.  Clearly it's so much more awesome than powerpoint.  I made this presentation that I plan to use to introduce ISNs to my classes this year.  I hope that my kids find it more interesting than a regular slideshow.

PS...In case you can't view the embedded Prezi here's a little bit of what it looks like :)


  1. You are amazing! I have a new curriculum and delivery model this year and just am not sure if I am ready to jump into ISN but boy you make me want to with all the amazing things you post.

    1. Thanks! Even if you can't commit to it fully yet you could always mix some of the ideas into what you're doing and ease into ISNing

  2. That is fabulous! Will you be keeping that up for awhile? I would love to show it to my students. I'm two weeks into the school year, and though we started right away with ISNs the kids aren't getting it. I even have my own ISN that I do right along with them as a model. I think some of them are just overwhelmed by their first year in middle school and all the different demands teachers are making on them.

    1. Yep, I don't have any plans to take it down...and now that it's up here on the blog it's up for good :) Just keep on modeling and make sure you have a routine set up and they'll get it eventually!

  3. This is amazing! You're right, Prezi is so much cooler than Power Point! This will be extremely helpful for my students and I this year! Thanks so so much for sharing!

    1. Thanks! I really am so obsessed with Prezi..I just love how cool it all looks :) I'm glad to hear you and your kids will be using it, I'd love to hear how it goes.

  4. This is beautiful! I will use it on Monday. Thanks for sharing. :)

  5. I've been doing a lot of reading about ISNs this summer and I think your blog has made me decide to go ahead and do it! I am nervous to start but I think it will be worth it. Thanks for a great blog!! Love the Prezi too! Have you seen the website yet? Another fun presentation site!

    1. I hadn't heard of it, but I just checked it out and it's AWESOME!

  6. Thank you for this awesome Prezi! I am a huge fan of the program, especially because you can access your presentation on any computer. I am going to take a stab at ISN's this school year. Hoping that they help out my students! I love your blog...thanks for sharing!

    1. Yes I do love that it's so easily accessible. Good luck with ISNs!

  7. W. O. W.

    Your work is amazing!! I will be using this at my Back-to-School night for parents. Love it!!

    1. Thanks! I'd love to hear how it goes over :)

  8. Fabulous job! What a great idea!!


  9. Sarah-
    Your blog is AWESOME! I am using some of your ideas about the ISN with my 7th graders this year. I am planning on using your PRESI to explain an ISN to them this week and I loved your idea about a fill in the blank that they work through on their own. I have already created one based on your PRESI if you would like it I would love to share the workload! What would be the best way to share it with the blog world? (I am new to the whole world of blogging and e-sharing resources)

    THANKS!!! Lisa

    1. You are awesome!! I would LOVEEE that worksheet. I have found that uploading things to is pretty easy...the account is free and they give you a link to share things. Or if you want to e-mail it to me I can put it up and link to it from here.

      my e-mail is:

    2. I think my margins were a little too small because it formatted funny in Scribd but it is not too bad. I used it with the kids today and it worked wonderfully!

    3. This is great! Thank you SO much for sharing. This is much more interesting than just lecturing through the presentation.

  10. Used this prezi in my classes today to explain ISNs...thanks so much!!

    1. How did it go?? I haven't used it with kids yet so I would love to know how they liked it

    2. Really great actually! I teach high school (mostly 9th graders) and I didn't have any sort of sheet to go along with it, but they were super excited to see a "new powerpoint". Some kids even were like "is that a prezi??" so apparently they are familiar with it. They really enjoyed the beginning part with the quotes about how class used to go. Overall I had a ton of engagement, which might partially be because it's still the first week of high school for them, but I am definitely going to make more prezi's for stuff in the future!

  11. I LOVE this!! Very cool! I wish I would have found it sooner! :) Thanks for posting!

  12. Love you ISN Prezi! Definitely plan to use it next year if I do ISNs!

  13. Sarah,

    I would love to use your Prezi for a presentation next week at the UT FACS conference. I would give you credit of course (in fact I have referenced your blog as a place of inspiration on my own website-- But I'd love your permission to use it.

    Thanks, Mary

  14. Hi,

    Is there a way to view the prezi offline? I'd love to show this to my students, but I don't always have internet access in my classroom!


  15. Hi Sarah! Thank you so much for sharing your ideas! I am in my 31st year of teaching and I am still learning. I love it! I have finally decided to take the plunge and use ISN's this year in my Algebra 1 classes. I would love to view/show your prezi, but I can't seem to get it to work. Is it possible for you to send it to me? My email is
    Thanks! Ann
