
Saturday, August 30, 2014

Classroom #6

My classroom is finally done! I moved rooms this summer which was quite a task. Moving rooms is something I've gotten quite used to, I just counted and over the past 8 years I have had 6 different classrooms. I have also accumulated a ridiculous amount of stuff. I tried really hard this time to actually clean stuff out instead of just finding a place to stash it. I finally parted with a bunch of papers, lesson plans, transparencies, old handbooks and just so much.

It's kinda hard to take good pictures with all the windows so ignore the not wonderful lighting. This is the view when you walk in the door. 

It took a good amount of time and effort but I'm happy with it.


  1. I love your file cabinet area. I like those kids of file cabinets instead of the standard like I have, but I did just recover mine this summer, so they aren't too bad. It looks awesome!
    Kovescence of the Mind

  2. How many students do you have? Your room is so spacious! I am jealous! There are so many desks in my classroom it is very hard to walk around.

    1. I teach very small classes, so luckily I don't need to squeeze that many desks in

  3. Hi Sarah! Love your room...where did you find the kid graph type posters?

    1. Do you mean the ones under the board? I modified the ones from here a bit: (unfortunately I don't have the files to share)

  4. Hi Sarah,
    I've been and on and off follower of your blog, but I have to say your classroom looks amazing!

    Though it's probably nice to teach a small group, I imagine it's pretty challenging. I especially like the different types of work stations you have. Wishing you a great year!

  5. Hey im teacher from looks so gud..can I know how many student in the class? Its very my school, I have to teach 52 students in one class..huhuhuhu..which country do u teach

  6. I've nominated you for a Liebster Award! Visit my blog at to find out what to do next!
