
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Icebreaker Bingo

In the past I've never really done icebreaker activities since I have always had kids that knew each other...sometimes I actually wished they didn't know each other so well.  This year I am teaching freshman, sophomores, and seniors in various different classes.  The school is one where kids come from many different schools so I'd like to try to do something for the freshman that most likely won't know each other.  If you remember my back to school plan, this is one of the things I am planning for the second day of school.

In organizing my files, I came across this one that apparently I found before and entirely forgot about.  I wished that I know where it came from (computer says it was created 8/12/2009).  I'm like 99% sure that I didn't make it up, but I tried to look online and I can't find it anywhere.  I like these scavenger hunt activities because it makes them talk to different people, but I like this one even more because it is a good mix of math and non-math type questions.  I also like the fact that it requires them to write the answers down in the boxes, not just get someone to sign.  I plan to tell them that I will participate too..I have my eye on the calc question :)

I'm not quite sure how I want to structure the game though.  I don't really want to say first to get five in a row wins because I think that could happen fairly quickly and I want to give them a chance to talk.  So here's where I need some advice.  Has anyone done this type of an activity before?  If so, how do you play?  What have you found to be successful?

ps...If you'd prefer a copy that is editable, here's the powerpoint file (but all the fonts probably won't work).


  1. I like projecting a timer on the board. There is one in Google Chrome that projects well. My students enjoy racing the clock.

    1. Oh that's a good the goal to have the most filled In when the timer sounds?

  2. I think Dan Meyer did something similar to that. Search first day of school on his blog. I believe he had the first one to fill all the blanks in wins (with the same rule as you...a person can only appear once).

    1. Oh cool, I will definitely check that out. Thanks :)

  3. I used your scavenger hunt last week. It was fun. But I guess I didn't read all of the items very well, because I had to have all the students change "went to the same middle school" to "elementary school" because we are a middle school, "wearing a green shirt" to purple shirt because we are not allowed to wear green and purple was for the tour guides, and finally "born somewhere other than NJ" to "California" because we are in California. It was so funny!!! I had to change that one very advanced math problem to quadratic formula because I didn't even know the answer. I was so focused on that one, I didn't notice all the others. Thanks for everything!

    1. haha that's funny :) I have to have students make corrections allll the time on stuff, at least now you have it all set up for next time around. I am also very curious as to why you aren't allowed to wear green??

    2. We have something called common dress...they can wear blue, gold, white, grey and black...i think. Still new to the school so I'm not used to it. thanks again!

  4. That's really how scavenger hunt should be, a mix of fun and learning. You just don't run around, find something, and win the prize; you have to flex your brain cells and interact with others. This looks challenging, honestly, especially the math problem.

    -Rosalinda Hone @ RiddleMe
