
Saturday, July 28, 2012

School Supplies

Target is my favorite.  

I can't wait to get into my new classroom and get it all set up.  I'm going to wait until my summer job is over so that I really have time to be in there.  It's going to be a lot of work, but I'm excited to start from scratch yet again.  So far in 6 years of teaching I've been in 4 different classrooms so setting up a new room is nothing new.  

Until I can actually start, I calm my excitement by shopping.  Here's some fun things I picked up from Target recently and some projects that I'm looking forward to:

The roll on the left is wrapping paper and I really like the pattern.  I've seen people using cute wrapping paper for all sorts of projects online, but I never seem to find any.  It's kinda hard to tell here, but it's a dark brown color.  As of now, I'm thinking of using this on the front of my desk to make it look less boring.  The one on the right is black and white and contact paper.  I used this in my room last year and loved it.  I have a couple ideas floating around my head, but I haven't quite decided where this is going to go yet.

I found this rug at Home Goods (my other favorite store) and had to have it.  My classroom last year had carpeting in it and I really liked having it.  The new room doesn't have carpet so I'm planning on putting this in my "office area" underneath my desk and computer area.  It's a nice flat weave rug so it's good and durable and should't get in the way of my chair rolling or anything.

Roxy had to try it out as soon as I laid it out on the floor.  I think she likes it too.

I couldn't pass these up either because they're so pretty.  Last year I chose a fun pattern for my ISN and this year this guy in the front is going to be the winner for sure this year. I cover the front of my notebook and personalize it, but on mine I don't cover the entire back to make sure I can still see the design.  The three folders in the back were only $1 and matched the notebook so I just needed them too.

This binder is a nice big one and is going to be for all of my algebra stuff.  I have binders with my algebra stuff from the last few years, but I like to start a new binder with each new course I teach.  This one will certainly be easy to find.

In an impressive surge of self control I made it out of the dollar spot with only these.  I'm a huge sucker for containers, especially ones that are in the dollar spot.  I never really have something too specific in mind when I buy them, but I always find them a perfect home.  The baskets are really good sizes so I have no doubt that these will find something fantastic to do.  The little pencil cup had to be bought because at the moment I can't pass up something that is yellow and grey.  I'm obsessed with the color combo.  

I can't wait to get all this stuff into my room and start setting things up.  My classrooms have frequently been described as being very homey.  Even with high school I still plan to create the same environment.  I spend so much time in that room everyday so I figure it better be a room I like being in.  I think that it creates an environment where the kids are comfortable being.


  1. Love the rug idea! I want a rug for in front of my board because I spend a lot of time up there - even if I'm not lecturing I stand there because it's easily accessible. I have some knee problems so standing on hard floor for hours really kills me. I don't do much sitting at my desk, but I think this rug idea would make it so much more inviting. I might even keep it clean if it seems more like home!

    Brynn ~

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