
Saturday, August 18, 2012

Scatter Plots & Correlation

Another ISN page today since I haven't been in my room since Tuesday.  This is one that went really really well and I certainly plan to do again.  This is on scatter plots and was after we had done some labs involving scatter plots and correlation.

This is the outside of the foldable.
  1. I began by giving them the definitions of the different types of correlation.  
  2. Next I gave them a strip of paper with the three graphs on them and they had to match and tape down each graph next to the type of correlation it exemplified.
  3. Lastly I handed out a sheet of paper with a bunch of scenarios.  The kids had to cut apart the scenarios and then tape or glue them down inside the appropriate section.  They had to think really carefully which about type of correlation each was showing.  

For students that were struggling with a particular example, I would read it aloud saying something like, "As the number of hours you study increases, your grade _____________ " and then have them decide which type of correlation we just identified.  This is the type of internal dialogue I want them to be having with them self so I try to model it over and over in hopes it will stick.

Interested in this one?

Here's the foldable!  This includes the actual foldable with dotted lines showing where to cut, a page with the graphs to paste down (4 sets on a page), and a page with the scenarios.

  • pdf (so that the fonts are the same)
  • ppt (editable)


  1. Ok with every post you make, I want to skip ahead in my curriculum and get to the topic you've posted about! I can't wait for scatterplots now!

  2. I agree with the above poster!

    My kids usually have an easy time with scatterplots, but the actual scenarios trip some of them up. This is a great way to give them more practice!

    1. Yeah I found the same thing..they got the idea when it came to looking at a graph with points but didn't know what to do with examples which says they don't really get the idea. The examples definitely made them think hard about it.

  3. This is an awesome foldable! My kids always love scatterplots and I think the scenarios that you have created are key to this lesson!

    1. Thanks :) I tried to come up with ones that really made them think

  4. I cannot download this and I would really love to use it. Can you upload to dropbox or send it to me through email? skorotkow @ gmail dot com

    THANKS :)

  5. Hi Sarah,
    Would you mind sending me this file? Like the comment above, I cannot download. If there is a reason that it's not available, no worries, but I know it would help my kiddos.

    mccormick_casey at hotmail

  6. Sarah, I'm preparing for a stats and probability workshop I'm leading this week. In the past, I've had teachers work in groups to come up with pairs of variables that have positive, negative, and no correlation. After reading this post, I think I'll start with a sorting activity based on the scenarios you created. Great variety and creativity. Thanks for sharing!

  7. I really like idea! I have been using the notebooks since January and have seen a lot of success! I'm going to use this tomorrow!

  8. Just did this activity today and the kids loved it. We had a lot of discussion about the skateboard one.

  9. I have used this sorting technique in the introductory discussions about correlation and slope in my community college statistics classes. Very effective! Some of the examples that my classes find particularly engaging as we discuss correlation vs causation further are the really silly ones, like the famous Oldenburg stork example or the one about pirates and global warming. If anyone wants copies of those, I am happy to share them. They can be used or modified to be used at almost any age.

    1. If possible I would love copies of those.

  10. Ditto - excellent resource, but I can't download - please could you kindly send a copy to s.hutchings atsymbol Many thanks

  11. BEST BLOG EVER. YOU HAVE SAVED MY ENTIRE LIFE. Thank you thank you!!

    -Soon to be first year teacher.

  12. I also cannot download... hummm

    I would appreciate the files too


  13. I also cannot download... hummm

    I would appreciate the files too


  14. Wonderful, am sharing with my network who I encourage to create learning journals for their subjects

  15. Thanks, Sarah, I just downloaded the foldable exercise. Do you think community college students are too old for this kind of exercise?
